Top 6 Resume Writing Tips 

1. One page 

Your resume should be one-page long.

2. No pronoun

You resume should not contain the pronouns “I” or  “me.” That is how we normally structure sentences, but since your resume is a document about your person,  using these pronouns is actually redundant.

3. No jargon or slang

Slang should never be used in a resume. As for  technical jargon, do not expect that the employer will  know what you are talking about. The person who will  read your resume for the first time might not have  any technical expertise.

4. Exclusive e-Mail Ids

Use only one (or maximum 2) e-mail id exclusively  for the purpose of recruitments.

5. Start with education

The entry-level candidates should put their  education information near the top of their resumes, unlike the experienced professionals, who list their  degrees and certificates at the end of the resume.

6. Proofread it twice

After you have finalized your resume, check it repeatedly for errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. A resume with lots of grammatical 
errors and spelling mistakes drives recruiters crazy. If you can’t proofread your resume yourself, get a friend or a professional do it for you!

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